Outside my window... its a dreary morning that is belying its age. It seems earlier than it is. A bit of snow lingers in the shadows, but I expect it to disappear quickly when the rain comes later today.
I am thinking... no wait. I'm not. Tabula rasa this morning, LOL. Need coffee.
I am thankful for... a nice warm house!
From the learning rooms... crickets... Taking a break right now and its been highly beneficial. I sorta wish we'd taken off the week of Hanukkah instead of this week, but the Papa is off from his classes right now, so we've had some nice family time.
From the kitchen... GOOT (thank you Jacque Dixon!) - a homeopathic recipe to cure what ails you. It seems to be helping the sniffles pretty well around here.
I am wearing... lots of layers to keep from shivering.
I am creating... tallit bags (for the prayer shawls) for two of my favorite Godly men. For having no pattern or instructions, I guess they came out pretty well!
I am going.... to have to get out to the store today. I usually prefer procrastinating on that one.
I am currently reading... lesson preparations for my first go at teaching Shabbat school. Need to do more on this! This is so much deeper than the old bible stories that I taught back in the day. Types and shadows, prophecies, and wide age range of children. This should be good!
I am hoping...to take life just as it comes, and quit worrying about who's going to be mad. That's a hard one.
I am hearing....the EdenPure heater and my girls "coloring" on older DD's new cellphone app.
On my mind... guilt, sort of. That's not the right word, but I am not sure what is. Frustration maybe? Conviction? Celebrated more of Christmas than I wanted to, and considering ways to weed more out for next year. Its a balance and a weaning/detox process. For us and for our families. We don't want to offend. We still love our Lord, and honor his birth. But I want to honor Him in the ways he has set up so that we can worship in spirit AND truth.
There's a great video that the above mentioned Jacque posted this week that really reflected my heart on this. I'd love it if you could take a few minutes to watch this. You can also watch on YouTube. Its a nine-parter there, but might allow your computer to handle the files better.
My heart is just to share this message from G-d and welcome his people back to his ways. Let's feast together!
Noticing that... my toddler is getting exponentially smarter and figuring things out way more quickly than I anticipated. Isn't that their usual mode of operation though?
Around the house... we are trying to assimilate gifts into the household. We received some really nice toys for the kids - things that are making their brains work. We were very blessed! Thank you to all the gift givers!
One of my favorite things... sleepy faced children. They are starting to emerge.
A few plans for the rest of the week... birthday celebrations for #2 DS. Sell some Girl Scout cookies. New Years party, and we can't wait to get back to our congregational family for Shabbat.
A picture to share... the Band. :) Markers and scribble pads open an infinity of creativity, no?
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