Anyone who knows me fairly well, and anything about what has happened in our life in the last year knows I've developed a habit of making challah every Friday. I love the depth of the symbolism that is entangled within those braids, and the reminders of Yeshua's love for us and how we are grafted in to the Olive Tree. I love the smells of the baking bread, and the special blessings that we come together as a family to speak to welcome the Shabbat G-d has given us.
I've learned LOTS about breadmaking in the process, and it has been quite enjoyable and usually, very tasty.
Recently, I had the disappointing experience of buying a "bad" jar of yeast. I had been experimenting with gluten free breads, but even the gluten containing recipes were NOT raising. Everything came out pretty flat. My DH was kind enough to exchange it for a fresh jar, and the next batch of challah to be made happened to be for our Hanukkah party. I decided to make a double batch, four loaves, instead of the usual two, so that everyone who wanted some could be sure to get some for the enjoyment of the festivities. (I almost never have any leftovers to take back home with me.)
The good yeast made all the difference and when I went to check on the raising process, my loaves were already ready to be baked and were twice their usual size.
A friend who is a big fan of the challah remarked on them, saying G-d is so good, he multiplies! Yes he does! He blessed when the people needed to be feasting.
If you know much about the process of yeast breads, you know that a lukewarm liquid, usually water or milk, is the best environment to get that yeast good and frothy so it will raise into beautiful breads. And it struck me the other day, that just as the yeast is likened to sin permeating our lives, many believers are readily provided today with that lukewarm, milky environment. Revelation 3 rebukes the believers at Laodicea for being neither hot nor cold. They have become complacent, saying "I don't need anything" just as many believers in today's church are so comfortable warming the pew and drinking the milk. Many have even given up warming the pew. Generations are leaving the church en masse.
I was watching a recording of a television show recently where a rabbi and an author were discussing the biblical holidays . They discussed how Yeshua fulfilled them, and specifically touched on the Feast of Weeks being the only holiday with presentation of leavened, or yeast-containing, bread. There are typically two loaves of challah, and two candles, on every Shabbat, to signify keeping and remembering the Sabbath. (There are many other meanings as well.) The author though, was remarking about the representation of Jew and Gentile, in the loaves, at the end of the Feast of Weeks, together for the first time after Yeshua's crucifixion. Pentecost had not yet gotten the leaven out. They were not to be burned before the Lord because they contained leaven. G-d poured out his Spirit on those first Jewish believers on the day of Pentecost, as a down payment of what was to come. There is a Great pouring out of his Spirit yet to come.
The next holy day to come is the Feast of Trumpets (aka Rosh HaShannah) and the literal Hebrew meaning is Memorial of Blasting. This is not celebratory! It is a wake up call to G-d's people, a warning of judgment. In these last days, judgment will begin in the household of G-d. He is getting ready to come for his bride.
Will she be clean and sparkling white? Will she be pure and spotless? Or will she be asleep? Will she be returning, purifying herself, repentant? Zechariah 12:10 tells us that there is a day yet coming when G-d will pour out on the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a Spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on the one they have pierced and mourn for him as one mourns for an only child (that's what he was!) and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. The Day of Atonement will cleanse us and make the bride ready for our Groom.
I've heard the biblical holidays and the bride of Messiah referred to as an engagement. The holy days that G-d set up for us are the 'dates' that he has scheduled with his fiancee. Yet, the organized church has decided since the third century that her ideas are better and has set up different holidays. She is not showing up to the dates that her future husband has scheduled for her. How much she is missing out on! How much of that future marriage relationship is she not building! How sad for that Groom that has literally given his All, that his bride doesn't even come to the Feasts prepared for her. He waits patiently for the Remnant of the Bride that is starting to come to the table.
SO yeast. I've also been experiencing the curse of yeast on a more personal bodily level, after an IV antibiotic treatment well over a year ago. It caused systemic, internal organ yeast overgrowth. It was sneaky, just like sin is. It caused me to have very foggy thinking, just like sin does. It took a long time to diagnose because it mimicked another health problem. It was deceptive, just like sin is. The manifestations were varied and unpleasant, just like the consequences of sin. The cure was bitter, and difficult to take, just like the atonement for sin was a bitter, cruel death.
So yes, as believers we want to avoid sin. But the shofars are sounding from the watchmen on the wall. Sh'ma! Hear and obey! Fan into flame the fire placed within you, the gift that he gave you. Get out of the lukewarm liquid that is causing the yeast to grow. Move on to purity, to passion, and prepare for the coming Messiah. Come to the table prepared for you. Dance with the lover of your soul. He's already got it scheduled on his calendar.
Go check yours.
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