Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Trust Part of the Trial

I've been wanting to post this for a couple of months but just haven't been able to wrap my brain around how to explain it all.  This one really needed to marinate.  I guess it needed to wait for barbecue season.
This is from a message I heard back in January that really had an impact on me.  As I've stated before I was raised in the church and every time a "trial" came about, there must have been a reason for it.  Usually in church circles, and from many-a-pulpit, it indicated sin in the life of the sufferer.  So it stands to reason that every time I felt like I was going through a trial, I searched for the sin that I must have been committing and prayed for forgiveness, looked for ways to absolve my guilt, pay penance, have more faith, etc.  That's what good Christians do, right?  C'mon you protestants out there - you know you do it too.  It's not just the Catholics.  It's just wearing a different name tag.
Ok, maybe I've over-simplified, but seriously, how many times has someone comforted a person by telling them that if they just repented, or had more faith, everything would be fine.  How many pastors have alluded to or directly said the same thing?
But in hearing this message, this is what impacted me:
We are living letters or testimonies and there is purpose in our trials. One purpose is to minister comfort to others and draw others to Messiah through our afflictions.

2 Corinthians 1:3-6, “Praised be God, Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, compassionate Father, God of all encouragement and comfort; 4 who encourages us in all our trials, so that we can encourage others in whatever trials they may be undergoing with the encouragement we ourselves have received from God. 5 For just as the Messiah's sufferings overflow into us, so through the Messiah our encouragement also overflows. 6 So if we undergo trials, it is for your encouragement and deliverance; and if we are encouraged, that should encourage you when you have to endure sufferings like those we are experiencing.”
G-d uses us to a greater degree out of our brokenness. Paul suffered many afflictions and look how G-d used and is continuing to use his life! 
Did G-d afflict Paul because he was in sin? NO!  He afflicted Paul because he knew he could TRUST Paul. He knew Paul could withstand the refining.   G-d trusted Paul.  So maybe, just maybe, when WE go through trials, its not just because we did something wrong, but MAYBE its because we did something right!?  Maybe its because He knows that we can be trusted to withstand the refining, the breaking.  He's filling us up so that we can encourage others to come to Him, because He is what is getting us through.
Just like the alabaster box that Miryam (Mary) broke to release the perfume over Yeshua's (Jesus) feet, we need to be broken sometimes to release the perfume to those around us.  That perfume, that pleasing aroma, fills the house and draws others in.

We also talked this past weekend, and maybe that is part of the reason I feel like it is time to share this, about the sacrifices and the atonement in Vayikra (Leviticus).  Some of the sacrifices were mandatory, and some voluntary.  But they all brought a pleasing, satisfying aroma to Adonai.  Probably smelled a LOT like a barbecue.  But think of it!  How humbling, comforting and wonderful to know that our sacrifices, our prayers, our worship, our love, all bring satisfaction to our Lord!
And that smell will draw others in.  Just like a neighbor to a barbecue.
Lord, give us the opportunity to draw others in to You.  Give us opportunity to spread the pleasing aroma of your incredible love, grace, and mercy to those who so dearly need it.

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