Sunday, February 20, 2011

Menu Plan Monday 2/21/11

Here's what's on the docket for the Vicks this week:

Monday: Broiled Nachos
(browned ground turkey with taco seasoning topped with refried bean & cheese, broiled on baking stone; top with salsa and lettuce, and other toppings as desired then dig in with tortilla chips)
Tuesday: Spaghetti & Meatballs (my own sauce made from my organic CSA veggies last summer, and ground turkey meatballs made with italian bread crumbs and an egg), Caesar salad from kit
Wedesday: Broccoli Beef stir fry over brown rice
Thursday: Split Pea Soup
Friday: Whole slow-cooker chicken, roasted potatoes, california blend, garden salad, challah, and Sweet Moments dessert.
Saturday: lunch out
Sunday: chicken noodle soup with leftovers from Friday.
Breakfasts planned for this week are oatmeal, fruit & yogurt, pancakes, chocolate gravy over biscuits and scrambled eggs with cheese, cold cereal, egg quesadillas, bagels with cream cheese and bananas or cuties (clementines).
Lunches will hopefully happen quickly! Pita salad sandwiches, ravioli, manwiches, chicken nuggets w. curly fries and crudites, hot dogs & chips, mac & cheese.
And just in case my menu isn't inspiring, someone else's might be!  Check back to see what others are planning for Menu Plan Monday at

I used the wrong word: its grief, not guilt

I used the wrong word before.  I knew it almost right away, but I had to take some time to mull it over as to how to explain it.
From the entry Simple Woman's Daybook for 12-29 the "on my mind..." section.  I'm still not totally sure.  I think its one of those areas where you constantly grow and change.  Instead of guilt, I think I should have said grief.
Misinterpreted guilt.  Grief over paganism, it's strength and dominance in this world.  At the time I was really dealing with some of the paganism in the Christmas holiday on a personal level.  I've searched many blogs, websites, videos, ministries, books, and discussed with a few knowledgeable close friends and family members.  I've come to understand what many of today's traditions originally meant, and for me obedience to my Savior means leaving those things behind and altering my behavior.   I move forward in a more biblical manner. 
These Christian holidays used to be my favorite.  My heart was always bent to try to honor Him.  I think that's still what most Christians are trying to do.  But in reality, the celebrations are more honoring to pagan gods, not YHVH.  I know G-d knows my heart, but as I begin to know His heart, I believe turning from these holidays will please him more. That is where I want my focus to be - on His heart, and what his desires are.  As I move forward in this love relationship, I am invited further in to discover more truth, and to greater moral standards, and to blessed freedoms. 
So I am grieved: Yeast is permeating the whole earth through Christmas - Satan's added to truth that exists in the beauty of Yeshua's birth.  Satan places a sticker that says "Fresh" on a piece of rotten stinking meat, and the church has purchased it at a premium price.  Christmas is celebrated throughout the world.  The message is even passed on to unbelievers, and they celebrate as well.
The Bible tells us that there will be evil everywhere, "as in the days of Noah." (Matthew 24:37-41) This signals that the time of his return is coming.  We need to prepare our hearts, and be about the sharing of his message.  Those who know the Truth can be comforted, knowing our future is secure.  We should not only take comfort in that but also rejoice!  Our beloved is coming for his Bride!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Schedule Scare

I've been making valiant efforts to try to sit down to blog at something really a little bit deeper.  For weeks I've been contemplating multiple things, and so many things keep coming at me.  I wonder some days why I thought I could keep up a blog.  As a busy home educating mother of four from puberty to pampers, trying to help her hubby get through an intense college schedule, and still make all my frugal meals from scratch and work a few hours a week, blogging should stream right in to that pace.  Right?
Obviously I have some issues with reality at times.  Insert sarcasm here.  I have lots of life coming at me, and I'm getting lots out of life too.  But sometimes I get frustrated because there are so many things that I want to accomplish, so many things that I would very much love to get my fingers sunk into.  There are many arenas that I would love to run after with full vigor.  So many things I feel so passionately about.  So I try to streamline, and just fit them in as I can.
Streamlining means prioritizing.  My kids are going to head to a slot high a top that list, and their education is equally high.  We stumbled around a bit as we began a new curriculum this year with very limited resources, and difficulty finding the books at prices we could afford.  And we were delayed in some of the areas we started delving into until we could purchase materials.  There were further delays with figuring out what we were supposed to study when, and then with waiting on library materials at times too.  We would 'make do' with what we had, and then take a few steps back as the materials would arrive.  And as the year went on I realized we had not accomplished what I thought we should have by the time it appeared we should have.  Ten weeks into our school year we were on week 3 or 4 of the curriculum schedule.
Certainly I began to question: what are we doing wrong!?  We need to hurry up!!
But then I remembered that the program was designed to be used at half pace if desired so as to dig more deeply into the subjects.  So really we weren't as far behind as I thought.  And we were definitely learning.  I say WE because I am learning right alongside them.  Things I never learned when I was a kid.  It is delicious! 
Then we factored in field trips, drama class, illness, etc., and despite all we were actually right on pace.  Plus we were ahead of other families we knew of on our attendance already.  So that was kind of fun, and very reassuring.
The best part was - though - that G-d has had His hand in the whole process.  We studied several things that coincided with our torah portions schedule, such as studying the science part about creation - types of animals, classifications, and many other parts of nature - as we read about Adam and Eve and the days of creation in scriptures with our congregation, and with other Jews worldwide.
And now as we began to study Ancient Egypt, a turmoil arose bringing to light why the history is so important.  I couldn't have designed a better lesson than what is in our newspaper every morning.
And then as our torah portions describe the building and design of the tabernacle and the priests clothing, we are studying the same in our history course again.
All of life seems to be reinforcing itself, giving confirmation repeatedly that we are to leave our plans in G-d's hands.  These things that we can try so hard to design, plan, calculate, and set up - he holds them all.  We only need to strive for him.  For scripture.  To keeps our minds and hearts open to him and to his ways.  Striving and trying and struggling only toward him is where our efforts need to be.  Not on keeping a schedule that we think we "ought" to try to maintain, so as not to fall behind.
So for now I will try to stay hungry.  I pray for that, that I will not lose the intensity of the hunger I have had on this journey for over a year now.  Sometimes the intensity is almost painful because it is so overwhelming.  But when the meat of the word arrives, it is also intensely delicious!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Menu Plan Monday, finally

With an unexpected snow interrupting my plans today, and a coupon clipping marathon ensuing, I finally have a plan...

Monday: chicken enchiladas (frozen chicken burritos covered in green enchilada sauce and baked) with hot wings and guacamole salad
Tuesday: Tortellini alfredo with beef sausage and ceasar salad
Wednesday: Schezuan chicken with stir fried veggies over noodles
Thurday: Popcorn fish, buttery southern corn, asparagus tips, pastaroni
Friday: Slow cooker roast with potatoes, carrots, garden salad and challah
Saturday: leftovers
Breakfasts will be whatever strikes our fancy, but will draw from oatmeal, pancakes, cream of wheat, fruit & yogurt, belgian waffles with strawberries, and egg quesadillas.
Lunches requested by the children thus far are pizza (duh), macaroni and cheese (duh again), miniburgers, cheddar potato soup, and some good kosher hot dogs.
And as my children are growing like weeds and snack incessantly the plan thus far is for fruit snacks, cheese sticks, carrots/celery with hummus, chips & cheese, pudding, cupcakes, and yogurt.
And it will all be gone by Sunday!
Be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday for far more inspiration than what you'll ever get here, LOL!